The IDCE Zone Assembly held in Helsingborg, Sweden, on 21 September 2011 passed a motion of solidarity with the Brothers and Sisters of the ILWU in their fight to defend union jobs and workers rights at the Longview terminal.
IDC European Zone Assembly
The IDC European Zone Assembly, meeting in Helsingborg (Sweden), with the presence of representatives from the ports of Sweden, Denmark, France, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus at the proposal of the General Coordinator, Antolin Goya, adopted unanimously the following resolution:
1. – The Assembly endorsed the union actions taken by the ILWU to defend the professionalism of port workers and against the demands of companies seeking to operate non-union port terminals.
2 .- The Assembly vehemently condemns the arrest of the ILWU leader, Robert Mc Ellrath, while defending the rights of the ILWU brothers and sisters and demands that the authorities do not to criminalize these fair trade union activities. We demand an end to the police prosecution and an end to the detention of union members.
3. – IDC-Europe proclaims their solidarity and full support with the ILWU´s fight and stands ready to offer any support deemed necessary, to reach our common objectives.
(Aldo Azzopardi attended the IDC European Zone Assembly meeting in Helsingborg, Sweden on behalf of the Malta Dockers Union.)
Helsingborg, 21 September, 2011